Finn explores the abandoned house and discovers the remains of the owner, who continues the theme of life, death and rebirth. The man’s body feeds the next generation of life. A tree, pg 45. Finn hopes this is not something that will come of his own remains, yet, in Chapter 36, pg 276, he recalls …
Love & Humanity
About 35 years ago I was working in a record shop and serving a blind man. I didn’t notice, but he dropped a $10 note. A young boy, about 10, rushed over, picked it up, gently took his hand and placed the note in it and I burst into tears. Kindness can seem so small …
Shadow Theme
Antiscian (n.) When people on opposite sides of the worldcast shadows in opposite directions at noon. Most days, when I stare up at the sun and figure it can go no higher, I think of my antiscian who will be casting a shadow in the opposite direction to mine. I like to think the stranger …
Father’s rave about how our self-talk can be misconstrued as being the voice of god is contentious. And yes, I deliberately used a lowercase ‘g’. I took that rave out of the book and reinserted it at least a dozen times. But it’s got to the point where it’s important we start talking about the …
Open Topic – For comments that don’t fit elsewhere
What did you love, hate? Did anything get shaken loose you hadn’t been consciously aware of before? Is there an observation, thought, connection you’d like to share?
The Author
I started writing Eat My Shadow in 2013 as part of a Professional Writing Degree through Curtin University. Just a couple of chapters. In 2018 I stumbled across the chapters, re-read them and knew I had to write the book. But I was no less short on time. It haunted me. I’d go to bed, …